Ornamental Bed Weed Control
Ornamental Bed Weed Control
Keep your ornamental beds looking their best through specialized weed control services for landscape beds. Certified Lawn Care’s weed prevention and control services eliminate the need for tedious hand weeding and promote more vibrant ornamental beds free of unwanted plants and weeds in the greater Chattanooga area, also serving locations in Cleveland, Athens, Dalton and Chatsworth.
- Helps prevent weed germination and controls existing weeds
- More manicured landscape appearance
- Reduced owner weed maintenance
Design For Control
- Helps prevent weed germination and controls existing weeds
- More manicured landscape appearance
- Reduced owner weed maintenance
If your landscape includes ornamental beds, Certified Lawn Care can provide the care you need to keep them looking their best and eliminate the need for hand weeding.

On The Site
For maximum benefit, a full program consisting of 3 to 4 visits in a year is recommended to maintain a weed-free landscape. In ornamental beds that are heavily infested with weeds, several visits will be necessary before adequate control is achieved. Contact Certified lawn Care for a quote on these services in the greater Chattanooga area, also serving locations in Cleveland, Athens, Dalton and Chatsworth.

We arrive on schedule when you expect us every time.

Trained and Certified technicians.

Quality Lawns
High quality outdoor spaces every time.

Proper Care
Safe organic products for you & your family.