Disease & Insect Control
Lawn Disease & Insect Control
From inclement weather to accidental over watering, maintaining a beautiful lawn in the greater Chattanooga, Cleveland, and Athens TN, also Dalton, and Chatsworth GA areas can be a challenge. Over time, aspects such as general wear and tear or lawn pests can lead to permanent damage of your grass or turf, which is why Certified Lawn Care offers lawn care solutions that can restore your yard to its former glory and make you the envy of your neighborhood.
When you choose Certified Lawn Care for your home or business’s lawn care needs, our services will include 5 individualized lawn care applications. Providing balanced fertilization, insect control, broadleaf weed control, and turf-related disease control. Our team of lawn care professionals utilize well blended products to customize a treatment plan based on what your lawn needs to thrive during each application.
Identifying The Problem
The cause of lawn damage is often difficult to identify, and diseases aren’t always the primary cause. It’s a good idea to inspect your lawn once a week to immediately identify problems and act quickly to determine the cause before it’s too late. Diseases tend to start off as small patches or spots of dying grasses that spread over time. If the damage is sudden, widespread, and severe, other pests or problems such as insects, pathogens, weeds, or environmental stress—such as too much or too little moisture or fertilizer—may be contributing to the observed symptoms. Damage that resembles disease symptoms may also result from incorrect watering, fertilizing, or mowing practices; damage from dog urine, herbicides, and other chemicals; poor drainage; compaction; vertebrate or insect damage; extremely high or low temperatures; competing vegetation; or thatch that is more than 1/2 inch thick.

Selecting a Suitable Grass
All types of turfgrass have positive and negative characteristics. There is no one perfect turfgrass suitable for all lawns. The type of grass you choose for your lawn should be compatible with your climate, anticipated use and maintenance level, and aesthetic desires; it also should have some resistance to common diseases. Cool season grasses (e.g., bluegrasses, fescues, ryegrasses, etc.) perform best at daytime temperatures between 70° to 85°F. Warm season grasses (e.g., bermudagrass, seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass, and zoysiagrass) perform best between 80° to 95°F. Often, diseases most impact grasses when they aren’t vigorously growing. Cool-season grass is more prone to disease infestations during the summer, while warm-season grasses are more prone to diseases in late fall through early spring. Make every effort to choose a grass that grows well in your conditions. For instance, too much shade causes stress that can lead to disease development. Similarly, some species are more heat- or drought-tolerant than others.

We arrive on schedule when you expect us every time.

Trained and Certified technicians.

Quality Lawns
High quality outdoor spaces every time.

Proper Care
Safe organic products for you & your family.